Reed Seifer, NY is a lot of work, 2010


This blog informs and reflects on the exhibition OH CRISIS at Huize Frankendael in Amsterdam. The exhibition presents a view through modern art towards the actual Credit Crisis.
We're now entering what may well be the most challenging man-made calamity in modern experience, a global financial crisis of unprecedented size, speed, interconnectedness and complexity. This event, also known as the Credit Crisis is not yet determined in terms of cause and effect. Our mission is to reaffirm the power of an open view, an in depth discussion, and an exploration of the Credit Crisis through art. Because art can unveil and may be able to present a different view. This exhibit explores some reflections on the current crisis. Works of the following artists are to be seen: (amongst others) Lara Almarcegui, Jan Fabre, William Monk, David Osbaldeston, Reed Siefer, Dave Sinai, Berend Strik, Remco Torenbosch, Koen van Mechelen, Roger van de Wouwer, Jason van der Woude

maandag 22 maart 2010


Taking as their inspiration a passage in Lars von Trier’s film Epidemic, Superflex’s new films shows prominent figures who combine the worlds of art and finance, as they subject themselves to hypnosis. Danish artist-activist Superflex work outside traditional art contexts, collaborating with designers, engineers, businesses and marketers, they define their works as tools which have the potential for social or economic change. The artist-activists explained: “We want to experience the final stages of an economic crisis as seen through the eyes of a mayor economic player. We will use hypnosis to get us there, talk us through it and maybe even speak about what is to be seen on the other side of an apocalyptic financial crisis”. The film was shown at the Frieze Art Fair in London in 2009 as well as on Channel4. Watch episode #3: http://www.channels.com/episodes/show/7291536/Superflex-The-Financial-Crisis-Session-III-2009-?page=2

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